Kids & Families

Family Sunday at the Kunsthalle

We cordially invite you to our family sunday on various sundays, always from 3:30 pm until 5 pm.

Alongside one of our educational guides, kids, their friends and families are welcome to explore the shown artworks. In the following everyone is invited to create something personal in connection to the current exhibition. 

Fees are 5,- Euro per family (entry fee incl.)

New dates will be announced! Please check our calendar.

Registration by telephone 02361 501935 or

Holiday workshops

for kids and teens between 6 and 10 as well as 10 to 14 years old, in cooperation with the Kultur-Rucksack NRW

During the holidays the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen regularly offers workshops for kids and teens.

New dates will be announced! Please check our calendar

Registration by telephone 02361 501935 or



for children aged between 7 and 12

A birthday is always an exciting occasion. Celebrating it with friends and discovering the Kunsthalle at the same time makes it a very special experience. Let us surprise you!

The programme lasts 2 hours and costs 120 euros (including admission and material costs). Birthday guests are welcome to stay in the cafeteria afterwards and enjoy drinks or cake they have brought with them.

For information and to register, call 02361 501935 or email


Opening Hours
* Pupils, Apprentices, Students, Groups from 10 persons, Owners of the Recklinghausen Pass i.e. any other equivalent identification card from other municipalites, Owners of the Ehrenamtskarte NRW or the Jubiläums-Ehrenamtskarte NRW
The Kunsthalle is barrier-free accesible.
Guided Tours
The public guided tours are free of charge, only the entrance fee needs to be paid.

Per group (20 persons max.) a booked guided tour is 55,- Euro. Registration via tel. (02361) 50 19 35.
The Kunsthalle is located across the central station, close to the bus station and is accessible via all public transportations. An underground park station is located underneath the bus station.