Cooperation with the Rucksack-Kita programme in the Department of Children, Youth and Family of the City of Recklinghausen

Together with the Department of Children, Youth and Family of the City of Recklinghausen, the Kunsthalle organises museum visits as part of the "Rucksack-Kita" programme. Pre-school children from day-care centres in Recklinghausen visit the Kunsthalle, learn about the various exhibitions and then get creative themselves.
The offer is aimed at day-care centres in Recklinghausen that participate in the Rucksack-Kita programme of the FB 51.

Online-Ausstellung der Rucksack-Kitas

For several years, the parents and children of the Rucksack-Kitas programme in the Department of Children, Youth and Family of the City of Recklinghausen have regularly visited the Kunsthalle to view the current exhibitions together and get creative themselves. As this has not been possible since spring 2020 due to the coronavirus, the programme broke new ground. Art educator Noreen Maria Akhtar from the Kunsthalle packed art parcels that were handed out to participating families and daycare centres via the Rucksack programme's parent mentors. The packs contained letters to the parents and children, all the materials and instructions for the creative projects of the week, which were then carried out at home or in the daycare centre. They were supplemented by voice messages in which stories were read aloud and everything was explained again in detail. This idea was particularly well received by the families, as it offered a direct and low-threshold introduction to the individual creative programmes and helped to maintain personal contact even at a distance. An online exhibition now brings together the results created between December 2020 and the end of June 2021.

Have a look at our online exhibhition! 

Merhaba Kunst! Der Podcast des Programms Rucksack-Kita

Together with art mediator Noreen Maria Akhtar, five parent mentors from the Rucksack-Kita programme in the Children, Youth and Family department recorded the podcast "Merhaba Kunst" in spring 2022. The starting point was the examination of the works in the travelling exhibition "Kunst trotz(t) Ausgrenzung" by Diakonie Deutschland. In addition to improving the language skills of the participating children, strengthening the educational skills of parents and networking parents in and with the respective daycare centre, the work of the parent mentors in the Rucksack-Kita programme also contributes to the opening up of the respective institution in terms of migration society and diversity. In line with this, "Merhaba Kunst" looks at the realities of migration society and the classism experienced in museums - and asks how museums can open up even more to society as a whole.

Click on the respective image on the right to access the five episodes of the podcast. 

The following works were discussed by the parent guides. They were part of the travelling exhibition "Kunst trotz(t) Ausgrenzung" by Diakonie Deutschland: 

Güldal: Tomi Ungerer, aus der Mappe "Flagge zeigen", Edition Klaus Staeck
Nurhan: Adidal Abou-Chamat, Dreaming of…
Ayten: Borislav Satijnac, aus der Mappe "Flagge zeigen", Edition Klaus Staeck
Tülay: Ichiharu Yamada, Im Hinterland des Himmels
Nimet: Tammam Azzam, Syrian Museum

Nurhan liest in ihrem Podcast das türkische Gedicht Yaşamaya Dair von Nâzım Hikmet, nachfolgend der Link zur englischen Übersetzung: On Living (Yaşamaya Dair) by Nazım Hikmet (

The music used in the podcast comes from Comastudio on Pixabay. 

Opening Hours
* Pupils, Apprentices, Students, Groups from 10 persons, Owners of the Recklinghausen Pass i.e. any other equivalent identification card from other municipalites, Owners of the Ehrenamtskarte NRW or the Jubiläums-Ehrenamtskarte NRW
The Kunsthalle is barrier-free accesible.
Guided Tours
The public guided tours are free of charge, only the entrance fee needs to be paid.

Per group (20 persons max.) a booked guided tour is 55,- Euro. Registration via tel. (02361) 50 19 35.
The Kunsthalle is located across the central station, close to the bus station and is accessible via all public transportations. An underground park station is located underneath the bus station.