September 5, 2014 - January 18, 2015 

RuhrKunstSzene – The art scene between Ruhr and Emscher
A project by the RuhrKunstMuseen
Abstract art in the ruhr region

The Kunsthalle Recklinghausen shows works concerning the topic: colour as paintingFarbe als Malerei

The exhibition at the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen presents 14 painterly positions that all focus on color as color: Painting is inconceivable without it, it is part of its essence. However, making color itself the subject of a painting and not just depicting something with color remained the preserve of modernism and found its most consistent expression in the monochrome pictorial concepts of the second half of the 20th century.

Even today, the theme of color is by no means dead for painting, but remains as relevant as ever. Probably never before have so many artists worked on this theme as today, and in their paintings color unfolds with a freedom and impartiality for which there are hardly any role models.

Participating artists: Christoph Bangert, Susanne Cirkel, Kuno Gonschior, Dirk Hupe, Hartwig Kompa, Daniela Löbbert, Willi Otremba, Jürgen Paas, Frank Piasta, Marc Podawcyk, Johann-Peter Scharloh, Susanne Stähli, Elly Valk-Verheijen und Rudolf Vombek.





Opening Hours
* Pupils, Apprentices, Students, Groups from 10 persons, Owners of the Recklinghausen Pass i.e. any other equivalent identification card from other municipalites, Owners of the Ehrenamtskarte NRW or the Jubiläums-Ehrenamtskarte NRW
The Kunsthalle is barrier-free accesible.
Guided Tours
The public guided tours are free of charge, only the entrance fee needs to be paid.

Per group (20 persons max.) a booked guided tour is 55,- Euro. Registration via tel. (02361) 50 19 35.
The Kunsthalle is located across the central station, close to the bus station and is accessible via all public transportations. An underground park station is located underneath the bus station.