December 6, 2015 – February 7, 2016

Works on paper: Photography, print and drawing

The art prize junger westen, endowed with € 10,000, will be awarded in 2015 for ‘Works on paper: photography, graphics, drawing’. All artists born in or after 1980 who are German nationals or resident in the Federal Republic of Germany are eligible to apply for this prestigious award. However, the jury not only decides on the winner, but also selects the exhibiting artists. In this way, the exhibitions for the Kunstpreis junger westen always reflect all facets of current art production in Germany and continue to offer potential for further exhibitions.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue with the works of all the artists represented - retail price: 10 euro. The exhibition is sponsored by Sparkasse Vest Recklinghausen.

The following artists participate in the exhibition:

Magdalena Abele | Javkhlan Ariunbold | Ruben Aubrecht | Sebastian Bartel | Ella Becker | Sören Beineke | Peppi Bottrop | Carina Brandes | Elizabeth Charnock | Jan Paul Evers | Stefan Geyer | Nschotschi Haslinger | Florian Huth | Daniela Junghans | Damaris Kerkhoff | Sumi Kim | Alwin Lay | Jonas Lewek  | Nino Maaskola | Il Jong Park | Ralph Schulz | Stephanie Sczepanek | Vladimir Unkovic | Lena von Gödeke | Julia Weiser | Umut Yasat | Benjamin Yavuzsoy

Opening Hours
* Pupils, Apprentices, Students, Groups from 10 persons, Owners of the Recklinghausen Pass i.e. any other equivalent identification card from other municipalites, Owners of the Ehrenamtskarte NRW or the Jubiläums-Ehrenamtskarte NRW
The Kunsthalle is barrier-free accesible.
Guided Tours
The public guided tours are free of charge, only the entrance fee needs to be paid.

Per group (20 persons max.) a booked guided tour is 55,- Euro. Registration via tel. (02361) 50 19 35.
The Kunsthalle is located across the central station, close to the bus station and is accessible via all public transportations. An underground park station is located underneath the bus station.