September 13 - November 10, 2024

STORAGE SPACE – the collection of Kunsthalle Recklinghausen in Antwerp

on the occasion of

TICK TACK and Kunsthalle Recklinghausen swap exhibition venues

In 2024 following the invitation of Kunsthalle director Nico Anklam TICK TACK (Antwerp, founded in 2019) and Kunsthalle Recklinghausen (founded in 1950) launched a unique project called ROKADE. Both institutions take over each other’s exhibition venues for the period from August to November 2024.

The ROKADE project begins on August 24 at Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, where TICK TACK is celebrating its fifth anniversary with STREETSPACE BANGER - a group exhibition spanning three floors and featuring more than 80 artists from 20 countries.

From September 13 to November 10, the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen presents excerpts from its collections at TICK TACK in Antwerp. Founded in 1950 in a former World War II bunker, the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen owns a municipal collection of more than 5,000 works by artists such as Ayşe Erkmen, Gerhard Richter and Alicja Kwade. The exhibition STORAGE SPACE uses the open window facade of TICK TACK to function as a showcase that can be seen from afar. Referring to the pioneering exhibition displays from the history of the Kunsthalle, individual groups of works will be on view from August to November and new cross-references within the collection will be carved out in Antwerp.

The presentation changes weekly and includes works by Josef Albers; Noémi Barbaglia; Marianne Berenhaut; Erich Bödeker; Marte Dyachenko; Vivian Ellis; Ayşe Erkmen; Ângela Ferreira; Gerrit Frohne-Brinkmann; Isabella Fürnkäs; Thomas Grochowiak; Flo Kasearu; Barbara Kasten; Ju Young Kim; Alicja Kwade; Jeewi Lee; Heinz Mack; Otto Piene; Peter Piller; Gerhard Richter; Michael Sailstorfer; Morgaine Schäfer; Berit Schneidereit; Mona Schulzek; Paul Spengemann; Angelika J. Trojnarski; Wolf Vostell; Hans Werdehausen; Denise Werth.

With ROKADE, two institutions are initiating a dialog. On an architectural level, the two exhibition venues are surprisingly similar: both the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen and TICK TACK have three squared floors, were built or restored in the 1950s, seek public space with a glass façade and are both in an urban setting. The collection show in Antwerp was curated by Nico Anklam together with curatorial assistant Pauline Ganns.

Further Information (PDF)

Opening Hours
* Pupils, Apprentices, Students, Groups from 10 persons, Owners of the Recklinghausen Pass i.e. any other equivalent identification card from other municipalites, Owners of the Ehrenamtskarte NRW or the Jubiläums-Ehrenamtskarte NRW
The Kunsthalle is barrier-free accesible.
Guided Tours
The public guided tours are free of charge, only the entrance fee needs to be paid.

Per group (20 persons max.) a booked guided tour is 55,- Euro. Registration via tel. (02361) 50 19 35.
The Kunsthalle is located across the central station, close to the bus station and is accessible via all public transportations. An underground park station is located underneath the bus station.